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Norsk Lovdata

Konvensjon om beskyttelse av menneskerettighetene og de grunnleggende friheter (Den Europeiska Konventionen angående de mänskliga rättigheterna) (norsk text, pdf)

The European Court of Human Rights


United Nations

UN Declaration of Human Rights

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child


 UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

The International Criminal Court

Human Rights organizations & Resources

Institutet för Offentlig och Internationell Rätt - IOIR

World Congress of Families

Norges offentlige utredninger - NOU 2000: 12
Barnevernet i Norge
Tilstandsvurderinger, nye perspektiver og forslag til reformer


Tidskrift för rätt och rättssäkerhet

Samtidsmagasinet Salt

 Stiftelsen för Rättspsykologi

 Utredningsmetodiska forskningsenheten, Högskolan i Örebro

 M.A.M.A. Mothers against Munchausen Allegations

 Infodienst Kindeswegnahme

NGO Family Voice - World Family Policy Center

 Perheen Suojelun Keskusliitto - PESUE

 Nasjonal Støttegruppe Mot Falske Incestanklager

 Lifting the Veil: Examining the Child Welfare, Foster Care and Juvenile Justice Systems

   Native Net - Abduction of Australian Aboriginal children

   Bringing them home: The 'Stolen Children' report - Abduction of Australian Aboriginal children

Under Siege - The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978

Policy Statement - The Placement of American Indian Children - The Need for Change

   OMCT - World Organisation against Torture

  Friends of the Family

  Docent Bo Edvardsson - Utredningsmetodiska forskningsenhet vid Högskolan i Örebro

C P S-Watch. Watching Our Nation's Child Protection Agencies & Workers

Fight CPS and Win

Save your Children

Victims of Child Abuse - Agency Abuse - Judicial Abuse

Sos - Fosternet

Foster Survivor - My Experience





Join-Hands. Child abuse. Accountability for all who abuse children

Government Child Theft.com

National Outrage of stealing children for money

Bench Tree - Grandparents' protest against CPS

De nye bedsteforældre - en græsrodsbevægelse

False Allegations - False Accusations - Recovered Memories

British False Memory Society

 A Voice For Children

 Massachusetts News

Government Abuse of Citizens - Children on slabs

Government Abuse of Citizens - Real Facts about the Foster Care System

The Urban Institute


 Werme Family Home Page - Tricks of the trade

Children Deserve Protection, Not Orwellian Laws/Procedures_

Hanne og Hans Tvangsfjernet af Middelfart Kommune den 25.08.1999

  For Families and Children



En mors kamp

Babies stolen by Florida's DCF

Tore på sporet

Spårlöst försvunnen

AFAF98 - Aktionsgruppen för Falskt Anklagade Fäder

Coalition for the Restoration of Parental Rights 

 Reuniting Birth Families - Sandy Musser's Homepage

GhostDancer's Anti-Adoption Pages

  Pacific Justice Institute

Child Abuse and Child Protection Family Law Reform

Hvorfor må jeg ikke komme hjem

Forum för Familjer mot Falska Incestminnen

De Frie Rebeller FPS

Børnenes Stemme

We the Disabled Parents

 Adoption Australia - Origin Inc. Supporting People Separated by Adoption

 Committee of Inquiry Report on the practices of social workers and health care workers, December 2000.
(See Committees - Reports - Social Issues Standing Committee)


URLs of webpages exposing child `protective` system practices

After Foster Care

 ChildrenTaken.com Daily News

 Don't take our Kids

The Little Rascals Ritual Abuse case of Edenton, North Carolina

Neal Feldman: The Truth About Children's Protective Services

Miss Click: The Right To Know

Child Rescue - Canada

  Abolish Adoption - A Petition

 DSS Dirty Tricks

 Free ASHLEIGH - Extra Love Tributes

Centre d’Études, de Documentation, d’Information et d’Action Sociales


Stadig flere børn i Danmark bliver fjernet fra forældrene
(Dette er et innlegg som består av en film, som blir automatisk ned-lastet når du klikker deg inn på adressen.)

Corporal Punishment of Children - Research Site

National Coalition for Child Protection Reform

Families First

Destinies ) child

Støtteforeningen For Mishandlete Barn

CPS Abuses

Blundering social workers

Oregon Family Rights

Fight For Kids

R.W. Nicholson & Associates ­- DEDICATED TO

All children who have been or will be abused and exploited because of bureaucratic deception, corruption and cover-up!


Alliance for Human Research Protection


Radio Notabene


SorgGruppen ”SMIL”


J.A.I.L. - Judicial Accountability Initiative Law - Jail4judges 

Richard Webster's Home Page


Aboriginal Family Support Services Inc 

National Committee of Grandparents For Children's Rights

Stop Bad Therapy 

Barnens Rätt Till Föräldrarnas Tid  

Barnas Rett


Föräldra Alienations Syndrom / Parental Alienation Syndrome - PAS

Family Advocacy Center - Advocating for Families involved with Child Protective Services Agencies

Forum for Menn og Omsorg (FMO)

Dansk Nytid - Sagen om Carl

 Psykologi og Sakkyndige. . . . . i relasjon til barn og foreldre 


Inquisition 21st Century

Bryn Melyn Group Foundation - Mission


Arild Holtas hjemmeside

Joar Tranøy's WebSide
Håkan Erikssons hemsida 

Help stop Parental Alienation Syndrome - PAS


Canada Court Watch


"birth-" Mothers Exploited By Adoption

Rättspsykologi. Nils Wiklunds hemsida

Jan Arlebrinks hemsida

Børnepsykologisk Rådgivning

Foreningen Godhavnsdrengene

Family Rights Coalition of Michigan

Family Integrity

Family Integrity blogspot

Family Education Trust

Family First

The Sally Clark site

Innocent Angela Cannings


Jeffrey Baldwin Memorial Site


New Zealand Centre for Political Research

Ord Mot Ord - Aktivisterna

Sexchikane i Thy

 Forced Adoption


Fassit UK - The Families and Social Services Information Team

The Tragic Adoption Legacy of  Tony Blair

Med Juridisk Humanism - Anders Agells hemsida

World Peace Foundation

Foreningen Far til Støtte for Børn og Forældre 

The Grandparents' Association

Hemmaföräldrar - nättidningen för dig som vill vara hemma länge med dina barn

Grandparents Apart UK

In Memory of Children Protected to Death by CPS

Human Rights Alert - Norway - HRA-N



Endeavour Forum

Alliansen - Fight the Future FTF


SoS Quebec - A Children's Gulag

Tillbaka till Huvudsidan




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