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The Speakers:


JUDr Marica Pirošíková, Slovakien

Ms Marica Pirošíková is the Agent of the Slovak Republic before the European Court of Human Rights. In the Slovak Republic she is responsible not only for the proper defence of the Slovak Republic before the European Court of Human Rights, but also for the execution of the European Court of Human Rights judgments. Within this remit, she regularly attends meetings of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and makes reports in this regard for the Slovak Republic. In addition she is very actively involved in harmonizing practice of the general courts and the Constitutional Court of the Slovak Republic with the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, as well as harmonization of legislation with the standards of the Convention. As external member of pedagogical staff of the Judicial Academy of the Slovak Republic she has trained hundreds of judges and prosecutors resulting in their decisions being consistent with the case-law of the ECHR. She gives lectures on human rights also to attorneys and the Council of Europe sends her to other Member States of the Council of Europe as an expert to give lectures on case-law of the ECHR and enforcement of judgments. She is a member of the expert committees of the Council of Europe (e.g. The Committee of Experts on the Reform of the European Court of Human Rights)

Lena Hellblom Sjögren

Ph.D., leg. PsychologistLena Hellblom Sjögren, Rimbo, Sweden

Lena Hellblom Sjögren is the mother of four children. She often appointed to investigate custody cases and to analyse investigations produced by the social services in child-care cases, and also cases of alleged sexual abuse of children. Lena Hellblom Sjögren has also studied numerous cases of Parental Alienation Syndrome - a syndrome that often occurs in custody disputes and which is internationally regarded as serious child abuse. She has found that the social services also act as alienators of children and parents in public care cases.

Lena Hellblom Sjögren has written the book "The child's right to family life. 25 Swedish case studies about parental alienation," after which she became a victim of persecution by the union of psychologists.
Please read: Dangerous mother, or mother claimed to be dangerous? (Farlig, eller farliggjord mamma?) (Google Translate)

Almamo Jarju 

Almamo Jarju, father, Upplands Väsby
Almamo Jarju is an immigrant from Gambia. He is a Muslim. After living in Sweden for many years and had a completely normal functioning family, he formed a new family with a young woman in The Gambia and commenced a family while she was waiting to complete their studies in health care. The new family, consisting of mother and two children: a girl of six (6) years and a boy of 15 months, moved to Sweden in January 2012 to settle with him, in the hope that they would no longer need to have their family divided . In June 2012, four and a half (4½) months after the family had taken up residence in Upplands Väsby, the little sex year old was taken into care and within the space of 11 months, she was placed in four successive foster homes. Almamo Jarju has not seen his daughter since July 2012 and before she had reached the age of eight (8) years his daughter tried to commit suicide on several occasions.


 Tommy Larsson, Vårgårda
Tommy Larsson är ganska unik. Han är ett av de fatal vanvårdade som har fått ersättning för sitt lidande under sina barndomsår. Tommy Larsson var ett fosterhems- och institutionsbarn under hela sin uppväxttid. Han blev misshandlad och utsatt för allsköns övergrepp i fosterhemmen och på institutionerna där myndighetspersonerna tvångsplacerade honom.